Genre Film, Books & Storytelling
Founded in 2009 as a podcast and blog, Ink & Cinema provides articles and insights for genre film and book fans & writers.
Story Showcases
Designed to recognize exceptional stories by new(ish) and aspiring writers, the showcase series was launched in 2015. Each season, one winner of each showcase receives a cash prize of up to $3,500 to help sustain, or kickstart, their writing career. Winners & Official Selections receive a laurel and a listing on the website.
About the Founder & Editor
"Good storytelling entertains, enlightens, and evokes. It is life-affirming and death-defying - a magical lie and an emotional truth... and when done well, a story will resonate, and reverberate, long after you leave the theater or close the book."
Laura Cross is a writer, author, producer & visual artist. She is the founder of Rebel Seed Films (an independent production company), and Rebel Seed Press (a boutique book publisher). Laura launched Ink & Cinema to share her love of genre films and books with other fans & storytellers.